Friday, January 04, 2008
posted 7:53pm
"Happy New Year"
For the New Year I’ve put together a video using the first part of Sin City, where Marv gets framed for murder and goes hog-wild looking for the person responsible. Cut to the Horrorpops “Where They Wander”. This video kicks ass, with a slamming punk rock song that keeps up with the ultra-violence. Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller have put together an amazing movie; full of sex and scandalous women, along with a cruelty that’s practically barbaric. It uses a cinematic style that avoids a lot of the bloodshed by keeping most of the visuals black and white.

This footage was just sitting on my hard drive, since I render it to test my new computer’s ability to capture video under Vista. Everything worked out fine, but I didn’t have the right song to put it to. So it sat there for a bit before I decided to go with an older Horrorpops song.

I’d gotten “Hell Yeah” when I was living in New York a few years ago, great album, I still listen to it today; but when I played it over the holidays “Where They Wander” just all of a sudden hit me. I knew by the beat, that this was the song that I was looking for. From there the whole thing came together pretty quickly. It only took two days to complete this video, then one more to encode and convert it, plus building all of the html.

I think it’s really amazing that when everything is working properly and a good idea has been brewing for a bit, I can come out with a video pretty quickly adding to a collection that’s really starting to grow.

Well, I have a few more ideas that I’d like to work out in video, so hopefully I won’t dabble and get them done within a few months.

Enjoy the new creation - D